Solar Activity

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Been 11 Years

It's been 11 years since I posted. Not long after I started this blog, my father started battleing for his life. He lost the battle in 2012. Much added responsibilties fell on me, and amateur radio was put on the back burner as my brother and I tended to the needs of our mother and her long battle with Alzheimer's. Mom's battle ended in 2019, and my borther and I settled everything we needed to. In August of 2020 I rebuilt my shack, bought new quipment, and got an antenna back in the air. Wow, how things changed!! All these digital modes,YSF, DMR, P25, reflectors, Raspberry Pi's, FT8, SDR, etc.... Where have I been? You can find my wife, W5ANB, and myself most nights on the Louisiana Traffic Net at 1800 Central Time on 3.910 MHz. Can also find me on my YSF Reflector 36940 - US-Doghouse. Stop by and say Hi. Hope to post now and then.